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Self Storage Insight Blog

Why Experienced Management is Crucial for Self-Storage Success

Running a self-storage facility well is very important for your business. Today, we will talk about why it's important to make your customers happy when they move in, how to manage your money, and what you need to do every day to keep your facility running smoothly.


Customer experience starts when people begin looking for storage options. Since most people search online, having a good website is very important. Customers want an easy and smooth experience from start to finish. Make sure your website looks nice, your staff is friendly on the phone, and your facility is clean and welcoming.

A bad customer experience can make people go somewhere else. For example, if renting a unit is hard and requires a lot of paperwork, customers might choose a different facility. People today expect things to be quick and easy. Offering online rentals, automated payments, and good customer service can make a big difference.

Managing Your Money

Managing money well is a key part of running a self-storage facility. This includes setting the right rental rates and making sure you are making enough money. Here are some important things to consider:

  1. Occupancy Rates
    : This means knowing how many of your units are rented. A good location and strong marketing can help you rent more units each year. However, if there are too many storage places in your area, it might be harder to fill your units.

  2. Economic Occupancy
    : Even if all your units are rented, you need to make sure you are making enough money. Regularly checking and adjusting your rental rates can help you stay profitable.

  3. Compliance and Delinquency Management
    : It's important to follow state laws and manage late payments. Keeping late payments below 4% is a good goal to maintain financial health.

Daily Operations

Running a self-storage facility means paying attention to daily tasks like maintenance, customer service, and administrative work. Here are some important things to do:

  1. Maintenance
    : Keep your facility clean and secure. Regularly clean units after move-outs and make sure security measures are in place. A clean and safe facility attracts and keeps customers.

  2. Customer Communication
    : Reach out to tenants for payments and address their concerns quickly. Use technology for payment reminders and have a team ready to help customers.

  3. Remote and Hybrid Management
    : Some facilities can be managed remotely, especially smaller ones. Larger facilities may need on-site managers for better service and security.

Adapting to Changes

The self-storage industry is changing. New trends like mixed-use facilities, RV and boat storage, and adding retail or office spaces are becoming popular. Staying informed about these trends and adapting your facility to meet customer needs can give you an advantage.

For example, adding retail or office spaces to your facility can make it feel safer and more normal to customers. This can attract more people and increase your occupancy rates.


Managing a self-storage facility well means making customers happy, managing money smartly, and doing daily tasks efficiently. By focusing on these areas, you can ensure your business is successful and grows over time.

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